C9 M3 L3 Grammar
9 | Modul 3: Gramatika
Kod doktora
9 | 3 | Lekcija 3: Ozdravi brzo!
| The Verb SMJETI
The verb smjeti (to be allowed to do something) undergoessome changes when we conjugate the verb. Look at the table below.
SMJETI | |||||
ja | sm-i-jem | mi | sm-i-jemo | ||
ti | sm-i-ješ | vi | sm-i-jete | ||
on/-a/-o | sm-i-je | oni/-e/-a | sm-i-ju |
G | 9.3 Zadatak 1. Što smijemo i ne smijemo |
Read the following statements. Choose whether the statement is true (točno) or false (netočno).
Ljudi smiju pušiti na fakultetu.
Ljudi smiju pričati na mobitel na predavanjima.
Ljudi smiju piti kavu u kafiću.
Ljudi smiju piti vino na zabavi.
Ljudi smiju slušati glazbu u klubu.
Ljudi smiju jesti brzu hranu u knjižnici (biblioteci).
Ljudi smiju peći kolače kući.
Ljudi smiju u kupovinu za vrijeme posla.
Ljudi smiju dati krv.
For the statements that you answered as false, rewrite them in the form of a strong prohibition. How would you express that one should not do something? Look at the following pattern to understand how to complete the assignment.
Statement: Ljudi smiju brzo voziti u gradu blizu škole. – netočno
Prohibition: Ne vozi brzo u gradu blizu škole.
| The Imperative of verbs in –ći
The –ći verbs (such as reći) in their imperative forms will all undergo certain sound changes. These verbs have to be memorized. There is a rule that can help you in memorizing the forms: think of the third person plural of the present tense when forming the imperative of –ći verbs. All –ći verbs will take the second type of endings that we mentioned in the previous grammar section.
2nd person sing. – ti | 1st person pl. – mi | 2nd person pl. – vi/Vi |
–i | –imo | –ite |
Look at the following groups of –ći verbs and how we form the imperative.
| Group #1: verbs like reći (to say) nad peći (to bake)
The present tense of these two verbs is: reći > oni reknu / oni reku, peći > oni peku. As you can see, in their Present Tense forms, both of these verbs have their infinitive stem in -k- (oni rek-u, oni pek-u). Since the stem of the verb in its infinitive form ends in –k– and when combined with the –i ending, a certain sound change happens: k i = ci.
Infinitive | REĆI (rek–u) | PEĆI (pek-u) |
2nd person sing. – ti | re-c–i | pe-c–i |
1st person pl. – mi | re-c–imo | pe-c–imo |
2nd person pl. – vi/Vi | re-c–ite | pe-c–ite |
| Group #2: verbs like leći (to lie down) nad pomoći (to help)
The present tense of these two verbs is: leći > oni legnu, pomoći > oni pomognu. As you can see, in their Present Tense forms, both of these verbs have their infinitive stem in -g- (oni leg-nu, oni pomog-nu). Since the stem of the verb in its infinitive form ends in –g– and when combined with the –i ending, a certain sound change happens: g i = zi.
Infinitive | LEĆI (leg–nu)* | POMOĆI (pomog-nu)* |
2nd person sing. – ti | le-z–i | pomo-z–i |
1st person pl. – mi | le-z–imo | pomo-z–imo |
2nd person pl. – vi/Vi | le-z–ite | pomo-z–ite |
* Note: Both verbs can also have their imperative form as: leći > legni, legnimo, legnite; pomoći > pomogni, pomognimo, pomognite.
| Group #3: verbs that derive from ići : poći, doći, otići, etc.
There are no sound changes in this group. Think of their present tense forms. To the stem of the verb you will add the appropriate ending.
Infinitive | POĆI (pođ–u) | DOĆI (dođ–u) | OTIĆI (otiđ–u) |
2nd person sing. – ti | po-đ–i | do-đ–i | oti-đ–i |
1st person pl. – mi | po-đ–imo | do-đ–imo | oti-đ–imo |
2nd person pl. – vi/Vi | po-đ–ite | do-đ–ite | oti-đ–ite |
* Note: The verb naći (to find) belongs to this group as well: naći > nađi, nađimo, nađite.
G | 9.3 Zadatak 1. Što smijemo i ne smijemo |
Based on how each sentence ends, use the most appropriate verb listed below in its imperative form. You should read the sentences carefully and express a command or a request to your friend. Some of the following verbs might repeat.
kupiti | leći | reći | pomoći | peći | otići |
Lezi rano navečer. Ne gledaj TV dokasna.
Reci mi, što radiš danas. Hoćemo li na kavu?
Peci kruh i jedi zdravu hranu.
Pomozi mi, treba mi tvoj savjet.
Otiđi u trgovinu i kupi voća i povrća.
Peci kolače. Ja volim tvoje kolače.
Lezi rano. Trebaš spavati barem osam sati.