C7 M3 L1 Homework
7 | Modul 3: Domaća zadaća
Svuda pođi, kući dođi
7 | 3 | Lekcija 1: Moje avanture
DZ | 7.3 Zadatak 1. Što znači? |
| In English
Look at the following excerpts from class dialogues. Answer the questions (i.e., give your comments) in English.
In the first dialogue, Luka was talking about his past travels. Read the excerpt and answer the question.
Luka: | Prošle godine sam išao u Portugal deset dana. |
James: | I kako je bilo? |
Luka: | Ne pitaj! |
| Question |
How do you interpret Luka’s answers after James asked how it was in Portugal? |
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In the same dialogue, James asked about activities in Portugal. Read the excerpt and answer the question.
James: | Što si posjetio u Lisabonu? |
Luka: | Bili smo tipični turisti. |
| Question |
How do you interpret Luka’s answers after James asked about activities in Portugal? |
→ |
In the second dialogue, after James told his friends about his past travels, Ines made an observation. What followed was James’ comment. Read the excerpt and answer the question.
Ines: | Ti si stvarno puno toga vidio. |
James: | Da! Ipak najviše volim biti u Austinu. Svuda pođi, ali kući dođi. |
| Question |
How do you interpret James’ answers - especially the second part? |
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DZ | 7.3 Zadatak 2. Moje najdraže putovanje |
Think of one of your favorite places that you traveled to in the past. Submit a video presentation online. Other students will watch it and ask additional questions and make comments on your past trip. We will discuss all presentations in the next class session.
Use both class dialogues as an inspiration for your presentation. Read/listen to what our students in Croatia said about their past trips again. Use some of their sentence structures to formulate your own phrasing. Visual elements and bullet points are allowed to guide you through your presentations. Be sure to answer the following questions:
| Pitanja |
Kamo si putovao/putovala? |
Što si radio/radila? |
Što si vidio/vidjela? |
Što si posjetio/posjetila? |
S kim si putovao/putovala? |
Kakvo je bilo putovanje? |
Koliko dana si bio/bila na putovanju? |
DZ | 7.3 Zadatak 3. Intervju |
Look at the list of the following verbs.
biti | posjetiti | ići | kupati se | plivati |
sunčati se | voziti se | šetati | posjetiti | planinariti |
kupiti | vidjeti | putovati | raditi | razgledavati |
Make a list of questions that you would like to ask one of your classmates about their past events. Use one verb per question.
Pitanja: | |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | |
15 |
When you have your questions ready, record a short interview with your classmates. You will ask one question at a time and your classmate will provide an answer for each question. When you are done, switch roles. Submit your video recording online.
DZ | 7.3 Zadatak 4. Kamo na putovanje? |
Following your work in class (Zadatak 7), meet with one of your classmates and discuss your choices for summer vacation. Tell each other about the ideas you have for the summer. Ask for more ideas/suggestions, provide comments on your classmate’s choices. Submit your video recording online. Consult the class dialogues before you meet and perform the dialogue. Do not use the pre-written format of your dialogue. The goal is to mimic a real-life situational dialogue.