C7 M2 L1 Homework
7 | Modul 2: Domaća zadaća
Put pod noge
7 | 2 | Lekcija 1: Prijevozna sredstva
DZ | 7.2 Zadatak 1. Kako se kaže? |
How would you express the following situations in Croatian?
1 | Tell your friend that you hope they will pass all their exams. |
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2 | Tell your friend that you are very busy. (There is an expression for this.) |
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3 | You are surprised how time flies. |
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4 | How would you say that you do not want to talk about something? |
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5 | Say that you can do something, even though you shouldn’t. |
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DZ | 7.2 Zadatak 2. Čime putovati? |
(a) You are in Split. Pick at least five different locations in the area and write how you can get there. Use any type of transportation that you think it would be appropriate/best to use. Use complete sentences.
| Čime putuješ? |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
(b) Based on your choice in part (a), give the reason why you picked that specific type of transportation and not something else. Compare your choice with some other type of transportation by saying is it faster/slower, cheaper/expensive, etc. Look at the grammar section for more adjectives and comparative forms. Use complete sentences.
| Zašto? |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
(c) Meet with one of your classmates and discuss your choices (a combination of the previous two sections of the task). Say also who you want to travel with to your chosen destinations and why. Express your opinion about your classmate’s choices. Give additional advice for the locations they chose. Submit your video recording online.
DZ | 7.2 Zadatak 3. Laurin izlet |
Listen to the text and answer the questions.
| Razumijevanje
1 | Kamo ide Laura. |
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2 | Koji dan i u koliko sati ona planira putovati? |
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3 | Čime Laura želi putovati? |
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4 | Čime na kraju putuje? Zašto? [na kraju = in the end] |
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5 | Želi li Laura možda putovati vlakom? Zašto? |
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6 | Koliko dugo će Laura biti na odmoru? |
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DZ | 7.2 Zadatak 4. Čime letimo? |
Search the web and find out what the official national airline is for each of the following countries. Copy and paste their logo.
copy-paste the image | copy-paste the image |
Ime: | Ime: |
Hrvatska | Srbija |
copy-paste the image | copy-paste the image |
Ime: | Ime: |
Crna Gora | Bosna i Hercegovina |
| In English
Kultura - Answer the following questions.
| Questions |
What can you tell us about the national logos/symbols of each country? What do they emphasize? |
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How different (if at all) are these logos from the ones that we find for American Airlines or United Airlines? |
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