C5 M2 L4 Homework

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5 | Modul 2: Domaća zadaća

Novogodišnji praznici

5 | 2 | Lekcija 4: Advent u Zagrebu


5.2 Zadatak 18. Što oni rade?

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences following the visuals below. New verbs are based on the grammar section from today’s lesson. Others are verbs you already know.

slika 1

slika 2

slika 3

slika 4

slika 5

slika 6

| Rečenice

Na koncertu ljudi ______________ pjesme.

Moja mama uvijek ______________ čestitke* za Božić. [*čestitka = card]

Ja svaki vikend ______________ na Velesajmu.

Svaki vikend moram ______________ prašinu* u stanu. [*prašina = dust]

Ja uvijek ______________ kad odlazim na put.

Mala djeca su slatka, ali često ______________.


5.2 Zadatak 19. Koji sport voliš?

Collect answers from your classmates to the following questions. Then write a summary in which you say who is similar to you. What sport(s) could you play/watch together?


Voliš li gledati…?

Znaš li…?

Koliko dugo…?


















hokej na ledu

igrati hokej na ledu

igraš hokej na ledu



igrati curling

igrati curling



5.2 Zadatak 20. Tura po gradu

Your friend who has  never been to your city is coming for a visit. Where would you go? What would you do? What are the must-see places in your city during the holiday season?

| Finish the following sentences by adding specific places in your city.

Trebaš posjetiti…

Trebaš vidjeti…

Trebaš ići u/na…



5.2 Zadatak 21. Kamo ići?


Pair-work. Make a dialogue with another classmate. Holidays are just around the corner. You have a day off and you want to spend a day together. Come to an agreement on where to go. Discuss your interests and locations you want to see. Be sure to provide reasons why you want to see or visit each location. Take a screenshot of Google maps with the locations you want to visit.

Submit your video recording online.



5.2 Zadatak 22. Koji sport znaš igrati?

Talk with your classmate about sports you know how to play. Ask each other questions.  Do not simply narrate all at once. Create a two way dialogue.

| Questions (an example)

When did you learn how to play?

Why did you start playing that sport?

Where did you learn how to play that specific sport?

Use the dialogue from today’s lesson. It will help you with vocabulary and sentence structure.


5.2 Zadatak 23. Događanja u gradu


Video presentation. Most of the cities have very similar events during the holiday season. It’s all very commercialized at this point, but there are still fun things for people to do. Investigate one other city of your choice in the target language area and present your findings in the form of a presentation. Show us some visual elements. Tell us where each event is happening in the city, what it is about, and your opinion on it.

Submit your video presentation online. Be sure to watch other presentations and make necessary comments (what you like, find interesting, and want to do/visit).


5.2 Zadatak 24. Stara godina

You and your friend are making plans on how to celebrate New Year’s Eve. The options are to go outside or to have a house party with your friends. Talk with your classmates and make plans together. What would you rather do and why? Provide reasons for both options (yes or no). Submit your recording online.


5.2 Zadatak 25. Kultura

| In English

| Pitanja

How similar are the cities in Croatia with those in the US? Do you find that they are the same? Does your city have something unique that we did not discuss in class and that you did not find in the area you researched?

[answer] →