C5 M1 L1 Homework
5 | Modul 1: Domaća zadaća
Sve najbolje ti želim!
5 | 1 | Lekcija 1: Sretan rođendan!
DZ | 5.1 Zadatak 1. Moji dragi ljudi |
Tell us about people in your life who are very important to you. Say when they were born (do not include the year, only the day/month). Say what their characteristics are and what your relation to each of them is – family member or a friend. Talk about at least four people in your life.
Submit your video recording online.
DZ | 5.1 Zadatak 2. Što obično radiš? |
Write a paragraph about your birthday celebration. The following questions are only the general guidelines. However, stay within the vocabulary and grammar that we covered so far.
| Pitanja |
Kada je tvoj rođendan? |
Što organiziraš za rođendan? |
Tko dolazi na tvoj rođendan? |
Što radiš za Dan zahvalnosti? |
Planiraš li slaviti Dan zahvalnosti ove godine? |
Kako planiraš proslaviti Dan zahvalnosti? |
| Odgovor |
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DZ | 5.1 Zadatak 3. Reci mi o sebi |
Talk with one of your classmates. Find out when their birthday is and what they want to do for it. Make plans for each of your birthdays – where to go, what to do, who to invite and why. Use our dialogues from today’s lesson for inspiration/vocabulary.
Submit your video recording online.
DZ | 5.1 Zadatak 4. Kako se kaže? |
1 | How would you express your surprise about hearing something? |
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2 | How would you say that you “are in” – that you want to do something? |
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3 | How would you wish someone a lot of happiness and luck in life? |
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4 | How would you say that you cannot show up without bringing something? |
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5 | How would you say that your gift is nothing big? |
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DZ | 5.1 Zadatak 5. Kako se kaže? |
Write a birthday card to our student James. What do you want to say to him? How would you express your wishes for his birthday?
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