C4 M1 L2 Grammar
4 | Modul 1: Gramatika
Dome, slatki dome
4 | 1 | Lekcija 2: Smještaj
| Adjectives in the Locative Case
So far you already learned that adjectives (i.e., lijep – lijepa – lijepo) need to agree with the nouns they describe. When nouns are in the Locative case, adjectives must also be in the Locative form. In the Locative case, the basic adjective ending for masculine and neuter forms is –om and for feminine nouns is –oj. The alternative ending for masculine and neuter gender is: -em (i.e., vrući [hot], tuđi [foreign]).
N. sing | lijepi student | vrući čaj | lijepo selo | vruće mlijeko | lijepa kuća |
L. sing | lijepom studentu | vrućem čaju | lijepom selu | vrućem mlijeku | lijepoj kući |
| Countries and the Locative Case
When we think of adjectives and the Locative case with its main function indicating location, we need to mention countries, like Hrvatska, Norveška, and Njemačka. All the countries that end in the -ska / -ška / -čka ending (e.g., Francuska, Hrvatska, Njemačka, Grčka, Norveška) will use the feminine adjective ending -oj to express location.
Example: Ja sam u Hrvatskoj / Norveškoj / Njemačkoj.
Other countries with the standard noun form, such as Srbija, Bosna, Makedonija, Italija, Portugal, Brazil, etc. will use the regular noun ending according to their gender.
Crna Gora is an exception since it combines both an adjective and a noun in its name. Thus, to express the meaning that someone is in Montenegro we need to say: u Crnoj Gori.
G | 4.1 Zadatak 6. Gradovi u svijetu |
G | 4.1 Zadatak 7. Gdje živimo? |
G | 4.1 Zadatak 8. Gramatika |
G | 4.1 Zadatak 9. U budućnosti |
Look at the following pictures. Use one of the following adjectives to complete the sentence. You cannot repeat the adjective twice (except the adjective “star” that will appear twice).
visok | ružan | star | star |
nizak | nov | moderan | lijep |
slika 1 | slika 2 | slika 3 | slika 4 |
slika 5 | slika 6 | slika 7 | slika 8 |
G | 4.1 Zadatak 10. U Zagrebu, u domu |
Images used in this document are from these sources.