C3 M2 L2 Grammar

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3 | Modul 2: Gramatika

Kultura i baština

3 | 2 | Lekcija 2: Podrijetlo

| Lakši/teži – easier/harder than…


In this lesson you encountered phrases such as:


Hrvatski je lakši nego japanski.

Japanski je teži nego hrvatski.


When we want to express the notion that something is (1) easier/lighter or (2) harder/heavier, we need to use the form of (1) lakši or (2) teži  nego.


The two examples above refer to a language. Thus, lakši/teži has to stay in the masculine form (because in our statement we refer to a language).


If we were talking about the alphabet (pismo) for example, we would need to use the neuter form of lakši/teži. Here is an example:


Rusko pismo je teže nego hrvatsko pismo.

Hrvatsko pismo je lakše nego rusko pismo.


As indicated above, lakši/teži does not refer only to something being easier or harder. It can also mean that something/someone is lighter or heavier. Here are the two examples:


Ja sam teži nego on. (I am heavier than he is.)

On je lakši nego ja. (He is lighter than I am.)


You see that in all the examples above, whatever follows after “nego” will be in the Nominative case.