C1 M2 L2 Vocabulary
1 | Modul 2: Vokabular
Biti ili ne biti
1 | 2 | Lekcija 2: Osobine
1.2 Zadatak 4. Tko je? Što je?
Write the profession of the following famous people.
You already encountered their professions during our class sessions. You should be able to indicate what they do for a living.
1.2 Zadatak 5. Kakav je?
Choose the adjective that you believe best describes each of the following famous people.
Here is the list of possible descriptions in English that you should use. Do not go beyond these adjective forms. Be careful which grammatical form you need to use.
is good/nice | is interesting | is arrogant |
is hardworking | has talent | is intelligent |