C1 M4 L1 Class

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1 | Modul 4: Rad na satu

Ponavljanje je majka znanja

1 | 4 | Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje

 1.4 Zadatak 1. Slušanje

🔊 Listen to the story that Davor tells about his friends and provide the following information about each character. Not all the elements are present for each character. Fill in the blanks in English.

Dialogue 1






favorite place and address
























 1.4 Zadatak 2. Broj telefona i lokacija

🔊 Listen to the recordings and answer the questions. Pictures below will help you answer the questions. For each picture there is a link for you to investigate further on each of the locations. Each website will also help you answer the questions.

Galerija Ivana Meštrovića

Muzej Jevreja

Muzej iluzija, Zadar

Narodno pozorište

Gradsko pozorište

Muzej iluzija, Zagreb

Na primjer: Muzej iluzija, Zagreb

Broj telefona

01 7999 609






Ilica 72


Based on your personal opinion, mark if the place is:

Mjesto je zanimljivo.

Mjesto je baš super.

Mjesto nije zanimljivo.


Based on your personal opinion, mark if the place is:

Mjesto je zanimljivo.

Mjesto je baš super.

Mjesto nije zanimljivo.


Based on your personal opinion, mark if the place is:

Mjesto je zanimljivo.

Mjesto je baš super.

Mjesto nije zanimljivo.


Based on your personal opinion, mark if the place is:

Mjesto je zanimljivo.

Mjesto je baš super.

Mjesto nije zanimljivo.


Based on your personal opinion, mark if the place is:

Mjesto je zanimljivo.

Mjesto je baš super.

Mjesto nije zanimljivo.

 1.4 Zadatak 3. Informacije

Look at the following pictures and answer the questions. Be careful to use punctuation correctly. Write complete sentences.

Tko je ona?

Kako se ona zove?
Ona se zove Ines.

Odakle je ona?
Ona je Hrvatica

Što ona studira?
Ona studira lingvistiku.

 1.4 Zadatak 4. Obitelj Zlarin

Ovo je obitelj Zlarin. Mama se zove Jelena, tata se zove Igor, a njihovo dijete se zove Lara. Ona je još malena. Jelena je liječnica, a Igor je arhitekt.

Based on the information in the text and what you see on the picture, associate each item with a certain family member (or members). Na primjer: To su njezine igračke. (igračka = toy)

 1.4 Zadatak 5. Upoznavanje

 1.4 Zadatak 6. Upoznajmo se

👥 Pisanje i rad u paru. Imagine that you do not know your classmate at all. They just joined your class. You want to get to know each other better. Come up with a set of questions (at least 10) that you would like to ask your classmate about them, their friends and family. When you have your questions ready, meet with your classmate and develop a dialogue in which you will ask each other questions that you have prepared. Be sure to use the appropriate question form of the verb ‘biti’ as well. Submit your video recording online.











Images used in this document are from these sources.