C1 M1 L4 Vocabulary

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1 | Modul 1: Vokabular

Moje ime je Bond, James Bond

1 | 1 | Lekcija 4: Kako ste?

 1.1 Zadatak 12. Formalni i neformalni govor

Read the following set of short dialogues and indicate whether they are examples of formal, informal, or neutral speech (used in both informal and formal situations).

 1.1 Zadatak 13. Pozdravi

Listen to the following dialogues and choose if they represent formal or informal communication.

 1.1 Zadatak 14. Kako se zovu?

slika 1

slika 2

slika 3

 1.1 Zadatak 15. Upoznajmo se

Look at the following pictures and read the dialogue components carefully. Complete the dialogue with the most appropriate missing information.

Images used in this document are from these sources.