C9 M3 L1 Vocabulary
9 | Modul 3: Vokabular
Kod doktora
9 | 3 | Lekcija 1: Strah i bolest
Hitna služba, 📲112 | Policija, 📲192 |
Vatrogasci, 📲193 | Hitna pomoć, 📲194 |
| Boli me…
Look at the following images. They all represent a certain noun in the singular form, and they can all be used to finish the sentence: Boli me [...]. Practice the vocabulary below to learn these useful nouns.
glava | grlo | stomak | srce |
mozak | vrat | ruka | noga |
Which of these nouns are in neuter gender?
| Bole me…
Look at the following images. They all represent a certain noun in the plural form, and they can all be used to finish the sentence: Bole me [...]. Practice the vocabulary below to learn these useful nouns.
Leđa | Ramena | Bubrezi |
Kosti | Pluća | Jetra |
| Bojim se…
Look at the following images. They all represent a certain noun that you need to use in Genitive plural when you want to express that you are afraid of something. Practice the vocabulary below to learn these useful nouns.
zmija | doktor | pauk | duh |
insekt | životinja |
Look at the following images. They all represent a certain noun that you need to use in Genitive singular when you want to express that you are afraid of something. Practice the vocabulary below to learn these useful nouns.
mrak | smrt | bolest | letenje |
gužva | grmljavina | visina | virus |
| Simptomi bolesti
Practice the vocabulary that can be useful when you want to tell someone what your symptoms are when feeling sick.
| Kako si?
Phrases that are useful when you want to tell someone how you feel.