C9 M1 L2 Vocabulary

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9 | Modul 1: Vokabular

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9 | 1 | Lekcija 2: Dnevni ritam


9.1 Zadatak 1. xxx 

| Zdrava prehrana


| Povratni glagoli (Reflexive verbs)

All verbs listed in the Quizlet are imperfective verbs.


Let’s compare the imperfective and perfective forms of each verb. There is a sentence example for each verb to show you the difference in meaning. The imperfective form is used for repetitive action (something that happens habitually). The perfective form is used for completed action (it already happened and the action is completed).

Buditi se

Probuditi se

Svako jutro se budim u 7:00.

Jutros sam se probudio u 8:00.

Umivati se

Umiti se

Svaki dan, čim ustanem, ja se umivam.

Ja sam se umio i sada idem doručkovati.

Tuširati se

Otuširati se

Obično se tuširam ujutro.

Jučer sam se otuširao navečer.

Brijati se

Obrijati se

Obično se brijem tri puta tjedno.

Ovaj tjedan se još nisam obrijao.

Šminkati se

Našminkati se

Moja sestra se šminka svaki dan.

Jesi li se našminkala? Već kasnimo…

Oblačiti se

Obući se

Ja se uvijek oblačim pristojno.

Nisam se još obukao. Još sam u pidžami.

Češljati se

Počešljati se

Svako jutro se češljam.

Danas se nisam počešljao.

As you can see, for the imperfective verbs (in the left column), we usually have a key word that tells us how often something is done – every day, usually, often, etc. The perfective verbs are given in the past tense for easier understanding that the action is completed.