C9 M1 L1 Grammar

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9 | Modul 1: Gramatika

Možeš ti to!

9 | 1 | Lekcija 1: Sport i rekreacija

| Baviti se Instrumental case

In this lesson you encountered phrases such as: (1) Luku zanima plivanje. (2)Luka se bavi košarkom. It is important to make a distinction between these two sentences and the verb they contain.

The verb


Grammar structure

Zanimati (se)

Indicates your interest in something (it does not necessarily include your expertise in the field/things you are interested in).

Zanima / Zanimaju  personal pronoun in the Accusative  noun in the nominative (singular or plural)


Zanima me sport.

Zanimaju me sportovi.

Baviti se

Indicates your engagement in something recreationally and/or professionally. In can be roughly translated with English equivalent of “to be engaged in something and practice it”

Baviti se noun in the instrumental case.


Bavim se sportom.

Bavim se tenisom i golfom. 






bav-im se


bav-imo se




bav-ite se


bav-i se


bav-e se


9.1 Zadatak 1. Čime se bave?

Choose the appropriate noun that best represents what the picture shows.

slika 1

slika 2

slika 3

slika 4

slika 5

slika 6

slika 7

slika 8

Slika 1: _____

Slika 2: _____

Slika 3: _____

Slika 4: _____

Slika 5: _____

Slika 6: _____

Slika 7: _____

Slika 8: _____

Now look at the list of the following people and finish the sentences by using the nouns from above. What is their professional occupation? One example is given to you.

Noam Chomsky se bavi *lingvistikom*.

Lionel Messi se bavi *nogometom*.

Marie Curie se bavila *kemijom?*.

Lady Gaga se bavi *pjevanjem*.

Nelson Mandela se bavio *politikom*.

Albert Einstein se bavio *matematikom*.

Meryl Streep se bavi *glumom*.

Pablo Picasso se bavio *slikanjem*.


9.1 Zadatak 2. Koja je ovo aktivnost?

Look at the following pictures. Each of them shows a certain action. You already know the verbs for these actions. Now, you need to write a verbal noun (example: kuhati – kuhanje) form for each of them. We have already talked about verbal nouns. If you need to refresh your memory, check Unit 7 for more information.

slika 1

slika 2

slika 3

slika 4

slika 5

slika 6

slika 7

slika 8

Koje su ovo aktivnosti?

Slika 1: *plivanje*

Slika 2: *klizanje*

Slika 3: *trčanje*

Slika 4: *vježbanje*

Slika 5: *planinarenje*

Slika 6: *plesanje*

Slika 7: *kuglanje*

Slika 8: *skijanje*