C5 M2 L2 Homework

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5 | Modul 2: Domaća zadaća

Novogodišnji praznici

5 | 2 | Lekcija 2: Sretan Božić!


5.2 Zadatak 6. Božićni ručak


Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Ines, njezina obitelj i James ručaju i razgovaraju.


Ti ideš u osnovnu školu? U kojem si ti razredu?


Da, ja idem u šesti razred.


Oh, ti si još malena.


James, ti izvrsno govoriš naš jezik.


Hvala! Trudim se. Puno učim, čitam i slušam glazbu.


A odakle si ti? Gdje žive tvoji roditelji?


Ja sam iz Teksasa, ali moji roditelji žive u Coloradu.


Ti si kauboj!!!


Haha, a zašto ti misliš da sam ja kauboj?


Po vašim kaubojskim filmovima. Kauboji žive u Teksasu. Tamo je uvijek vruće.


Da, u Texasu je ljeti jako vruće.


A zašto ti slaviš Novu godinu u Hrvatskoj? Zašto ne slaviš Novu godinu u Americi, u Teksasu?


Zato što ja želim znati više o hrvatskoj kulturi. Želim znati više o običajima u Hrvatskoj.

(a) Answer the questions:


Gdje razgovaraju James, Nina i Jelena?



Ide li Nina na fakultet? (provide detailed answer)



Koji je razlog zašto James dobro priča hrvatski?



Gdje žive Jamesovi roditelji?



Što je Nina rekla o Teksasu?



Zašto James slavi Novu godinu u Hrvatskoj?


(b) Write the Croatian equivalent for the following expressions:


How would you say that someone likes to take it easy?



How do you express that you are trying to do something really hard?



How would you ask someone their opinion about something?



How do you express that you always want to learn more?


(c) Read the excerpt from the class dialogue.


I još jedno pitanje.




A dajete li vi poklone za Božić ili za Novu godinu?


Običaj je dati poklon za Božić. A zašto to pitaš?


Tek tako…


| In English

Read the excerpt from today’s dialogue:


A vidi, tamo prodaju jelke. Kada vi obično kitite bor?


Obično 24. Na Badnjak.


Tako kasno?


Kasno? Ne, pa to je normalno. A kada vi kitite bor?


Kod nas je običaj kititi bor jako rano. Mi ne čekamo zadnji dan.

| Questions

What is the gist of this part? How would you interpret the reply that James provided (“tek tako”)? Explain your answer.

[answer] →

Why did James make a comment about the Christmas tree? What do you think the reason is for differences between family traditions in the US and Croatia?

[answer] →


5.2 Zadatak 7. Uvjerenja

(a) Što Nina misli?  

Read the dialogue from the homework session again. James is talking with Nina, Ines’ cousin. What did you learn about general beliefs about Texas in Croatia? Summarize the dialogue between James and Nina. Be sure to answer at least the following questions:

| Pitanja

Što Nina misli o Texasu?

Tko živi u Texasu?

Kakvo je vrijeme u Texasu?

[odgovor] →

(b) Kako provesti praznike?

In this dialogue you also learned more about James' reasons for why he stayed in Croatia. If you were Ines (or some other member of her family), what suggestions would you give James?

| Pitanja

What is a must see place (or places) that he needs to visit during the holidays? You should do some online research for this part.

[odgovor] →

| In English

| Questions

Finally, do people in the USA have any stereotypes about people in Croatia? Tell James how familiar you are with that aspect as well.

[answer] →


5.2 Zadatak 8. Zimski praznici

| Task

Write about your plans for the winter break/holidays. Where are you going, what are you planning to do?

Što ti i tvoja obitelj planirate raditi za zimske praznike? Kamo vi idete?

[odgovor] →



5.2 Zadatak 9. Blagdani i običaji

Rad u paru. Make a dialogue with your classmate. You need to discuss your plans for winter break/holidays and talk about what holidays are celebrated in your country. In your dialogue be sure to include the following:

| Questions

Where do you go for the holidays?

What are you planning to do?

What holidays do you (and your family) usually celebrate?

How do you usually prepare for the holidays? Do you do anything special?

Compare the holidays in your country with one country in the BCMS area.

Submit your video recording online.


5.2 Zadatak 10. Pokloni

What do you think, what would people in Croatia buy when they go for a home visit? Read the question and finish each sentence so the statements are true for you (i.e., your opinion).

| Što obično nosiš kad ideš u posjet?

Za moju dobru prijateljicu ja želim kupiti

Za moje roditelje ja želim kupiti

Za domaćina ja želim kupiti

Za njegovog sina ja želim kupiti

Za njegovu ženu ja želim kupiti

Za moju baku ja želim kupiti

Za mog dobrog prijatelja/prijateljicu ja želim kupiti


5.2 Zadatak 11. Čestitke

Read the following text messages between friends.


What is the meaning of each text message?



How do you usually send a text message?



5.2 Zadatak 12. Božićni duh

Answer the following questions.

| Pitanja

Slušaš li božićne pjesme?

Koje božićne pjesme voliš?

Koje su božićne pjesme popularne u SAD-u?


Listen to the following song on YouTube and write in the missing words.

Crvena Jabuka i Saša Lošić - Bijeli Božić (1996)



Ja _____________ jedan bijel Božić

Ja sanjam kako _________ _________

Da opet dođe u moj grad

I odmah tužan postanem

Da su _____________ gore

Jer kraj stare škole

I tiho da se stvore

Gdje se mladi vole

Svi ljudi koje _____________ ja

_____________ tebe pronašao ja


Ja sanjam ljeto u zraku

Da opet _____________ u moj grad

Da su zvijezde gore

I _____________ da je more

Tek tada bit ću _____________ ja


| In English


What do you think is the tone of the song? Is it a happy one, melancholic one, or a sad song? Why do you think that?



Does the song sound familiar to you? Any resemblance to a song that you know?




5.2 Zadatak 13. Planovi za praznike


Create a Google doc and work with another classmate. Share the document with your instructor. Be sure to allow your instructor to make necessary comments/changes if needed.

Task: Write a dialogue.

You are both visiting students who are staying in [Croatia] during the winter, spring, or summer semester. Think of a specific holiday during your studies in your chosen country. Talk about your plans for a holiday/break. What to do, where to go, and why?

Use the dialogues from this unit to get some ideas. There is plenty you can talk about: excitement about the upcoming holiday/break, ideas what to do, and finally making actual plans and knowing who to invite. These are just suggestions. There is more you can include, especially thinking of cultural components to discuss and (potentially) follow.